Share Your Story

Our stories, our memories, our cultural traditions, our way of speaking, our family history, our traditions, our crafts and our customs – now and in the past- all go to make up who we are today and give Maghera and its surroundings their own identity and unique character.

Here in the Heritage and Cultural Centre we want to come together with the local community to make the most of the special quality that Maghera has by gathering information and memories about the town and its people – past and present. We would love if you would share your experiences of Maghera with us. Your story can be about anything – a day at school, an interesting neighbour, a way of life now gone, a special shop in the town, poling hay in the ‘50s – literally anything that you would like to share. Photographs of yourself, your family and friends, the local area etc. are very welcome too.

Over time we hope to build up an archive which preserves the memories of Maghera, not just for ourselves, but for future generations. If you would prefer to call in to our Centre and chat to somebody about your life and times in Maghera in a comfortable and informal setting, we would be happy to meet with you.  Also if you have any suggestions or ideas on how we can expand or develop this project we would be very pleased to hear them.

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